Friday, July 6, 2012

Thank God it's Friday

So I know I have mentioned the price of watermelon of Facebook before but they can be quite expensive here.  One of the highest I saw was roughly 22,000 won which is about $17.53 with the current exchange rate.  I have been wanting watermelon sooooo bad but I couldn't justify my cravings for one.

Well today was my lucky day.  We went to get a few things from the mart and saw the watermelons on the way out.  The puppy below was 10,000 won which is roughly $8.76 and they provided delivery for free!

In general fruit can be a little pricey here.  Cantaloupes are about 12,000 won.  I think it is because of property value of the farm lands not much space here in Korea.  Watermelons and Cantaloupes take more space to grow.  They could fit a better producing produce on the land.  Simon told me it depends on weather and the green houses that they sometimes grow in.  They are more in season in July and August so hopefully the price comes down a little more.

I have never been so happy to throw down with this watermelon... and boy was it delicious!  Watermelons here are sweet all the way to rind!

Simon and I ate half a watermelon for an evening snack!  Here is what I figure... an average ice cream sundae cost around $5.00  and half this watermelon cost around the same price!  So basically I just ate a really delicious watermelon sundae!  

I am definitely thankful on this Friday for some precious(expensive) watermelon!
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Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's a Bug's Life

 Sorry it has taken me so long to post.  Life here has gotten a lot busier than I had planned.  Anyways on to what I really wanted to talk about...

Have you ever wondered what the plagues in Bible were like??  Well I feel like we have been experiencing one of them here... well kind of...  We have been taken over by the Mayflies here.  I have never seen so many in my life.

They spend most of their lives as larva and only actually live as an adult for a day, basically only long enough to reproduce.

I heard the sound of Rice Krispes in milk as we walked home one night and I was wondering where the sound came from.  Then I realized it was from the cars driving over the millions of bugs on the road.  I wish I could record the sound because it is super loud (I won't describe the noise).

Here is a big pile of live ones gathered by the lights.  I was so scared I was going to get swarmed by them.

Sorry this video is sideways.  You can see all the mayflies gathered around the lights and in the air.

In this video the restaurant owner was using a blow torch to burn the bugs off his windows.  They are very difficult to get rid of.  Businesses were actually losing business because no one could get in the places with out getting stormed by the bugs.

Here is a closer view of the front of a store covered in bugs.  

I hoping we are finally to the end of all the bugs!  Anyways I hope you enjoy seeing the life of these little buggers...