Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In da club...

Hey everyone sorry we haven’t been around much… we have been really busy.  This a little update about what has been going on here. 

We took on teaching a couple more classes at our house.  We have kids ranging from learning the alphabet to high school students.   It looks like we may start a discussion class for some adults on Saturday.  Teaching requires energy but Teaching English requires a lot of energy.  After our students leave we just want to chill in silence!

Simon does some exporting of Korean products to other countries.  We have picked up some more clients to do business with.  We are both excited about the prospect of some business travel in the future.  It can be a lot of work at times but sometimes the pieces seem to be fitting together perfectly.

Lastly here in Namyangju City the government started a committee called Rainbow Harmony!  Here in Korea “Rainbow” means diversity, combining cultures, or Intercultural marriage.  This group of people is going to be coming up with ideas how to bring other countries together with ours.  From my understanding it will be kind of like having sister cities.  Anyways there were some requirements for applying to be one of the members.  Simon applied and we were accepted together.  We had the first meeting a few weeks ago; there are about 40 people in this group.  It looks like Simon is going to be the President of this committee which he is really excited about.   We will hopefully be doing some travel to English speaking countries (aka AMERICA, Britian, Australia).

I am pretty excited because tomorrow we are having lunch with the Mayor of Namyangju City to talk about Rainbow Harmony.  Also in a few weeks we will be meeting an Ambassador from Cambodia!   I will try to post pictures and update everyone. 

Life has been happening so fast and I hoping to post more blog stuff.  I have tons of stuff to post but seem to have a hard time to finding minutes to post on here.

A little side note.  We just had elections for political positions here in Korea.  America is definitely different than here.  In America most campaigning is done via TV, and here it is done on the streets of Seoul.  I will try to post more information about politics here in Korea in a later post.  Below is a video that some Expats made showing what you hear for about 2 weeks straight.  Everyday all day everywhere you go!  It is noisy at times we could hear it outside our apartment.  This is a glimpse of what we saw every day.